A sustainable resource now and into the future.

Abelwood Tasmanian Oak is harvested from only sustainably managed regrowth forests and is 100% chain of custody, AFS & PEFC certified.

Abelwood Tasmanian Oak is part of the Neville Smith Forest Products family (NSFP) which harvests and produces Tasmanian Oak timber products which are natural and sustainable with a lower carbon footprint and less embodied energy than other alternative materials such as aluminium, concrete and steel. Tasmania's temperate climate is ideal for growing trees. 

NSFP prides itself on its environmental values and management approaches. It was one of the first companies within the timber industry to support environmentally responsible and sustainable harvesting and to work with environmental groups to achieve these outcomes, an approach which continues to this day. NSFP has a long-held stance against the wood-chipping of old growth forest. It was the first company in Australia to chip instead of burn our end dockings; one of the first groups in Australia to harvest, process, and value add younger regrowth logs from non-sensitive areas and the first company to value add its entire hardwood production Tasmanian Oak.

AbelwoodJason Howard